Help Us Make Music (& More)
Thank you, truly, to every single person who has said “yes” to this project. That includes 222 donations made through Patronicity, matching gifts from the Michigan Economic Development Corporation and the Green Brick Foundation, major gifts from Impact 100 Traverse City and Rotary Charities, and hundreds of other gifts, large and small.
We still have funds to raise to meet the full cost of outfitting and finishing the Alluvion, attached studio, artists’ Green Room and the food and beverage hub. Your gift will get us there! Donations of $1,000 or more are eligible to name a seat in the Alluvion—a perfect way to make your mark on this space, become a part of its history, or honor a loved one.
Crosshatch Center for Art & Ecology is the nonprofit partner in the Alluvion, and acts as its fiscal sponsor. Donations will be processed under Crosshatch’s name, to be used for charitable purposes that support the Alluvion.
Thank you to the 222 Patronicity Donors of June/July 2022
The Accidentals - Jaime Alberts - Nancy K Allen - Jeff Anderson - Susan Anderson, Poetry Society of Michigan - Anonymous (x3) - Rob Bacigalupi - Tara Ball - Terry Beamsley - Joe and Nance Belton - Sam Bennett - Edward Beyne - Dan and Pat Bober - Myles and Rachel Boothroyd - Jonathan Schroeder and Janet Borgerson - Brian Bourdages - Sara Boys - The Brodeurs - Amber and Rick Buist - Chris Burdick - Barbara and David Burkhardt - Rory Carroll - Denise Carson - Jan Chapman - Kelly J. Clark - Susan M Cleland - Emma Clixby - Mike Coco - Joe M Coffman - Emily Cole - Mary Clare Cole - Tyler Preston Cole - Dean and Diane Conners - Ryan D. - Zack and Lucy Dagneau - Laura and Robert DeGabriele - Sam Devney - Kelsey Duda - Dave Durbin - Emily Ellibee - Ric and Jenn Evans - Rob Stow and Jeremy Evans - Aria Mae Everts - John Failor - Kaiser Sandler Family - Andrew Farmer - Carl and Amy Ferguson - - Bob and Gloria Floden - Brandon and Bethany Foote - Ellen Fred - Bill Froehlich - Ward and Mary Bevans Gillett - Thomas Guback - Jeff Haas - Kirsten Keilitz and Steven Haas - Pat Haber - Katie Hanrahan - Jen Harris - Marty Heller - Mark Herman, Up North Financial, LLC - Eric and Karolina H. - Sarah Hesterman - John and Pickie Hoffmann - Judy Horning - John and Phyllis Jessup - Judy Jones - Leslie Donaldson and Will Jurkiewicz - Florina L Kapitzke - Tom Kaufmann - Linda H Kelley - Brad and Amanda Kik - Keith and Shawn Kintigh - Jean and Paul Kirchner - Don and Liz Klein - Nora Dunlop and Karl Klockars - Melissa O'Connor and David Kolonay - Jake Kooiman - Jonny Kooiman - Ruth Kooiman - Dan Lauterbur - Andrew Lutes’ Friend Leah - Maryann Lesert - Rebecca Lessard - Meg Littin - A.S. Lutes - Sarah Mackenzie - Gregg Chance and MaryAnne Macy - Tim and Kerry Maloney - The Marburys - Beth Footh and Roger Martin - Paul Masck - Mac McClelland - Meghan McDermott - Janice Alexis Mekula - Geoffrey Peckham and Patricia Melzer - Casey Moore - Kate Bassett and Matt Morgan - Gloria Morkin - Jenna Morris - Megan Motil - John and Sharon Nedlo - Chad Kirchner and Kate Redman (aka the Nerdmans) - Marley Niewendorp - Joanna Nigrelli - Molly N. and Ken M. - Ann M Norman - Maura Brennan and Dan O'Neil - Nick Olson - Jennifer P. - The Palazzolos - Nicco Pandolfi - Jessica Kooiman Parker - Robert and Suzanne Parker - Maggie Pavao - Sarah and Steve Pfeil - Chad Phillips, Five Star Real Estate - James Purkiss - Jessica in The Rainbow - Janel Apps Ramsey - Sarah Redman - Chrissie Reitmeyer - Christopher Reznich - Michael Rodenberg - Lindsey Rossmeissl - Stephen Ruch - Aly S. - Brian Beauchamp and Sarna Salzman - Kenneth Sams - Sarah Schonberg - Jason Schreiber - Sharon Scranton - Jack and Susan Seaman - Bill and Laurie Sears - Karin Jacobson and Robert Seeman - Jess Shelton - Barbara Smith and Don Shikoski - David W Smith - Jacqui Smith - JoAnne Smith - Laura Solomon - Linda and Leo Stallman - Michael and Jessica Stallman - Ann and Mark Stephens - Yvonne and Jason Stephens - Jill and Frank Stiltner - Scott Swan - Bill Thacker - Lisa Thauvette and Brian Thelen - Jason and Daena Thibodeau - Barb Tholin - Jenny and Matt Thomas - Will and Mollie Thomas - Joseph M Tiedeck - Jennifer Truelove - Lesley A Tye - Nikki VanderKolk-Rine - Elizabeth Chapelle and Joe Verschaeve - John and Lynn Vinkemulder - Korin and Agostino Visocchi - Sally Van Vleck - Angela Beloian and Jim Walker - Chris and Rick Walter - Nancy Gallagher and Kevin Weber - P. Weber - Jackie Troy Wells - Thomas Wertz - Norma Wolf - Susan and Taro Yamasaki - Ruth and Yasmin - Timothy Fitzgerald Young