Presented by Crosshatch Center for Art and Ecology & The Alluvion
From the inception of The Alluvion, we wanted this to be a space where music could come to grow. We dreamed that this would be a space that highlighted folks on all points of their artistic journeys — not only the seasoned experts, but also the newcomers. So hello, all you garage performers, you dream-chasers, you question-askers, you footing-finders, you craft-builders-and-launchers. This program is for you.
QUICK NOTE: we’ve had quite a few applications from musicians who don’t qualify for this program—either because they live too far away or because they are too far along in their career. Please review the criteria under “who can apply?” below before applying. Also, know that this is not a replacement for our standard booking process, and won’t help you move up in line for a standard gig.
For emerging musicians, this program provides:
a high-quality space to perform
a generous and attentive audience
lots of technical support
a $50 /musician stipend (capped at $250/band)
professional mentorship from Alluvion staff and visiting experts.
Even better, you’ll also get a high-quality audio and video recording (including stubs for later mastering) of your performance.
For audiences, this is a chance to discover our region’s up and coming talent, with performances by two new artists the first Tuesday of every month.
There’s no cost to apply. Fill out a short application and submit two songs (a phone recording is fine) for our jury panel to review.
Note: we use Slideroom as our application portal, which will require you create a free account. Slideroom is used by colleges, non-profits and arts institutions around the world to collect and process applications, so there’s a good chance you’ll use your account again later in your career. If for some reason this is a obstacle to your application, contact us and we can find an alternative.
Applying for Ship Yard:
There’s no cost to apply. Acts interested in performing in the Ship Yard Performance Series will fill out a short application, which includes a video recording of two songs for our jury panel to review. Acts who are accepted are scheduled on a first-come first-served basis. Whether accepted or not, Acts may reapply six months after their performance date, as long as they continue to meet the qualifications.
Both solo performers and bands may apply. To qualify, artists must meet a standard of being original, local, and emerging.
ORIGINAL: Artists must perform original live music or original reinterpretations of standards—not cover bands. DJ’s and other electronic artists are welcome to apply—be able to make the case your music is original.
LOCAL: At least half the musicians in the band must live at least half-time in the 10-county region around Traverse City.
EMERGING: This is a little trickier, but if this band (playing these songs, with mostly the same musicians) has played fewer than 20 shows for pay, you qualify.
WE’RE FLEXIBLE: if you feel like you don’t fit all these criteria 100%, but you still think you qualify, we definitely welcome a conversation about it.
Performing at Ship Yard:
Ship Yard takes place on the first Tuesday of the month, from 4:00 to 9:00 pm, with the performance portion lasting from 5:30 (doors) to about 7:30 pm. The program supports two bands each session. Bands are allotted a 30- to 40-minute tech rehearsal/sound check, during which time they can also consult with our full staff and visiting experts. Each band is also allotted a 30-minute performance slot. Alluvion booking and management staff will be present for the show.
The service bar will be open to the lobby, and an emcee managing the stage schedule and welcoming the audience.
We’ll invite our internal staff as well as local or regional experts to contribute their knowledge and expertise. This might include topics such as:
getting gigs
finding and working with booking agents
working with venues
contracts and negotiation
stage plots and riders
making the most of your sound checks
audience development
electronic press kits on your website
marketing basics
live and multi-track recording
Beyond the Performance:
Beyond the application and performance, we ask Ship Yard acts to contribute in the following ways:
Promotion: help get the word out about the show—and the program—using your existing channels. More importantly, invite your friends, family, and fans to attend!
Professionalism: be on time, actively engaged, and ready to produce the best show you can.
Pay it forward: take some steps, from filling out a survey about your experience, to ongoing promotion, to joining the Open Stage Advisory Council, to help those following behind you have an even better experience than you did. Show up for future shows!