Alexa Grambush

Alexa Grambush was born and raised in Michigan, loving the Great Lakes and the time she spent living with her sisters on a boat in Traverse City.

She is an observer, creator and painter. Her innate sensitivity to space and dynamics, both interpersonal and aesthetic, informs her creative interactions which have included watercolor and acrylic painting, weaving, floral design, environment design, and event production.

Her artistic expressions are guided by her deeply held values of truth and sincerity, and her desire to see the sacred in the everyday.

Since leaving her home state she has called California home, and spent the past winter living and exhibiting in Nagasaki, Japan. She returns with the sun every year to Traverse City. Learn more on her website

Gabrielle Schaub

Gabrielle Schaub is an artist primarily working in painting, who is interested in the profound relationship between creativity and human meaning-making processes. She is particularly interested in embodied forms of knowing and communication that exist beyond the immediately intelligible. Through abstracted landscapes—which sometimes incorporate figures and domestic objects—she seeks to tap into recesses of the mind and memory. Her work prioritizes the utilization of exuberant and nuanced colors, as well as naive and gestural marks that teeter in spaces of tension, irresolve, and uncertainty.

Painting, for her, is about the rigorous process of sitting with self and seemingly infinite possibilities of form, as well as an honest listening to one’s will and integrity. It is a struggle that she hopes makes itself known, whether consciously or not, through the marks on the page. Ultimately, she hopes to draw attention to a human space of knowing which insists on fluidity, constant reformation, and heightened visceral perception.

Learn more on her website

Rufus Snoddy

Rufus Snoddy spent his formative art production years in Los Angeles, California. While an adolescent, his family moved there from rural East Texas. Watching Los Angeles go from street cars and Hollywood bungalows to freeways and gated communities, gave impetus to his sensitivity to change and perception of place. Growing up in the inner city, where there were often over a hundred languages spoken in a given high school, lent an awareness and keen interest in texture.

Snoddy's work reflects a concert of approaches, materials, and dichotomy, striving for seamless shifting from  one to the other. "It is sculpture....it's painting....it is both." More accurately he calls his work Construction Paintings.

With a graduate degree focusing on sculpture, Snoddy has spent many years pursuing the act of collecting sundry materials, construction and painting methods. These things, all for the passion of giving order to chaos in enticing ways.

Learn more on his website


Tyler Franz

“I am a photographer based in Traverse City, Michigan, focused on weddings, portraits, families, music, animals, and senior portraits. Although these are my main pursuits, I am available to shoot photographs of any kind.

My work is heart felt, emotional, and heavily influenced by my love of black and white photography. Preserving moments in an image is my passion and nature is my happy place. Combine the two, and that is where I feel most at peace. There is something really special about capturing the human spirit in a photograph, doing what you love most with those who are dear to you.

I’m here for the artists, the dreamers, the lovers, and for those who walk through life leading with their hearts. I will be there to capture every moment of your story with a sense of ease and joy. This life is so beautiful and I absolutely love capturing humans doing what makes them happy. Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. We were put on this earth to inspire one another through respect and compassion. I want you to feel comfortable being your true self. Let’s go on an adventure! “

Learn more on his website