A detail from "Aki is Land, Abi is Home" by Jamie John
Alluvion Arts @ 414 Opening Reception
THIS SATURDAY 7/27 from 6-8pm
Celebrate the artwork of Colleen Gleason and a new interior/exterior mural by Jamie John! Join us outside in front of the mural at 7 pm for the dedication of the mural, “Aki is Land, Abi is Home.” Jamie John will talk about the mural, peform a dedication ceremony and then answer questions.
Inside, Commongrounds visitors are invited to write a love letter to the Ottaway River with a letter to water, to trees, to animals, etc. Supplies are provided and letters are hung on the wall as an additive art exhibition on display until August 25th. Visitors can also check out the launch of our Small Works Collection, featuring more than a dozen local artists! RSVP here